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Artful Life artists have devoted their considerable expertise and experience in community facilitation and collaborative art to each project. We are proud to have worked with the following artists and community facilitators, whose work made our projects possible:

Kei & Molly Textiles: KM Textiles

Helen Atkins:  Harwood Staff

Hakim Bellamy: website

Mitch Berg: Fuego

Kevin Berriz

Bobbe Besold: riversrunthroughus

Sonia Bologa: keshet

Ebony Isis Booth:  facebook

Maureen Burdock: website

Lauren Camp: website

Enrique Cardiel:  IDHCC

Jasmine Cuffee:  @jazzcuffee

Eli Cuna:  cuna/facebook

Jennifer Dann

Nina Dubois: aboutnina

Haley English:

Andrew Fearnside:  website

Jamie Figueroa: jfasus

Erin Forrest: website

Nina Freer: ninafreer

Jacqueline Garcia: j.garciadance

Hernan Gomez Chavez: website

Haley Greenfeather: growlery

Mindy Grossberg: artstreet

Tanesia Hale-Jones

Catherine Harris: unm

Maria Teresa Herrera Bustamante:

Erin Hudson: rotationfilms

Kaitlin Innis: j.garciadance

Romy Keegan: Maple Street

Pilar Leto:  maplestreet

Amy Lin:  TedABQ talk

Jennifer Lucero: vimeojlucero

Julia Mandeville: harwoodartcenter

Valerie Martinez: about

Nan Masland: maslandartist

Dominique Mazeaud: riversrunthroughus

Elsa Menendez:  tricklock

Billy Joe Miller: website

Monique Montoya

Lisa Nevada: radicles

Michelle Otero: blog

Rene Palomares:  palomares.bosque

Estevan Rael-Galvez:  history

Rainbow Artists Collective: website

Monica Sanchez: imdb

Shelle Van Etten de Sanchez

Maureen Seaton:  website

Micaela Seidel

Judith Shaw:  judithshawart

Michael Wieclaw: Metal

Women & Creativity artists: WCwebsite

Artful Life 2018

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